Our Services
Specialist research, survey and monitoring, mitigation and conservation, assessment and evaluation services
We aim to provide technically excellent ornithological and ecological fieldwork and advice. We can accommodate projects of any size, nationwide, covering all habitats and species, offering a dedicated, cost-effective service to successfully deliver projects within budget, schedule and specification.
We are experienced in all aspects of ecology and ornithology, which ensures that our fieldwork produces technically excellent surveys and reports, promoting objective analysis and assessment.
Our experienced ecologists and ornithologists maximise systematic data collection via implementation of recognised and approved survey methodologies and the design of bespoke techniques to compliment project specifications.
Working on a sub-consultant and freelance basis we specialise in the following professional services:
Ornithological Surveys
We particularly specialise in bird surveys, including but not limited too – preliminary bird walkover surveys, breeding bird surveys (CBC territory mapping), wintering and migratory bird surveys, upland wader surveys, vantage point surveys (often renewable energy applications), wetland bird surveys (WeBS), raptor surveys/monitoring, seabird surveys/monitoring and species specific surveys, research and monitoring including Schedule 1 species listed on the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981.
Ecology Surveys
Preliminary ecological appraisals, bats (potential roost assessments, dusk/dawn surveys etc), badgers, reptiles, water vole, otter, red squirrel and great crested newts .
Research and Education
Research projects with government and non-government organisations (including species specific studies), education sessions/talks at schools and other institutions – including guided walks, talks and identification tutorials.
Mitigation and Conservation
Robust mitigation advice to projects of all sizes including bespoke recommendations tailored to the project/species involved and outcomes required.
Advice and/or practical assistance with provision of habitat and nest boxes for specific or general enhancement targets.
Additionally, we can also provide species specific, mitigation boxes (bird nest boxes inc raptors, bat boxes, dormouse boxes etc). Examples of which can be seen in our newsletter. These are also available for individual order at special request.
Our services include:
- Ornithological Surveys
- Ecological Surveys
- Education
- Research
- Mitigation
- Conservation
If you know what type of survey you require and would like a fee estimate, you can contact us here or by using the button below. Alternatively, if you are unsure what type of survey you may need, then feel free to call or email for initial advice and we will be happy to point you in the right direction.
We will keep in contact throughout the process, from fieldwork implementation to data/report submission, so you are always clear on progress.

Have questions?
If you have any questions or require further information then please use the following link to contact us:
Our Location
Located in the Staffordshire Moorlands, we can be contacted via:
Tel: 07818 611004
Email: jbroster@eyrie-ecology.co.uk